This year, we modeled the path forward for government that puts people first. Criminal records were automatically cleared. Families were able to put food on the table. People accessed the services and benefits they need and deserve. But the country is still facing so many uncertainties. Your support can help empower government and communities to make meaningful change in people’s lives, starting with those who have been marginalized and excluded.
William Janeway has generously agreed to match all donations up to $25,000!
Donate now, or find out more about end of year giving here.

Your unrestricted gift will be applied to Code for America's greatest need.
Thank you to everyone who supported Code for America in 2021, including our Giving Tuesday and end-of-year campaigns.
With your support, we exceeded our $50,000 goal! And thanks to the generosity of Bill Janeway and Fred and Wendy Goldberg, your contributions were matched to double the impact. Together, we are helping families put food on the table, expunge criminal records, access flexible cash, and more. If you haven’t yet supported our work or are interested in making an additional contribution, please visit our donation page.
We’re building a human-centered social safety net that can transform lives in positive, measurable ways—making our systems and society more equitable and resilient.
We helped more than 3 million people apply for food assistance in the last year, launched a statewide integrated application for nine different benefits programs, and plan to expand our work to close the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) gap, increase participation in Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), and more.
“I lost everything but having an EBT card kept me going. Thank you for being out there for all of us. Your hard work is changing our lives.”
“I honestly don’t know how I’d be eating. You have no idea how much CalFresh helps. To ALL involved in this program thank you...this has been very humbling for the first time to apply for benefits & I am thankful.”
“Earlier this year I moved in to help my mother who has multiple health issues and is unable to work. I took over full financial responsibility of the household including all shopping and preparation of food. I commute over an hour to work every day and financially it has been extremely difficult. I often times struggle to make enough money to buy groceries.”
We believe that no one should be prevented from moving forward because of a criminal record.
We’re breaking down barriers in America’s criminal legal system by working with people in communities and government, starting with automatic record clearance. With policy and technology, we can imagine and create a world where past convictions are cleared from someone’s record automatically, opening paths forward for the 70 million—one in three—people in the United States who are currently living with a criminal record.
We’re working to ensure that financial stability is equitable, inclusive, and guaranteed to everyone.
Flexible cash—meaning money that individuals and families decide how to spend for themselves—is one of the best ways to empower people toward financial stability. Cash support helps people provide for their basic needs, find and keep living wage jobs, and handle emergencies as they arise. Our work on GetYourRefund and GetCTC has increased access to more flexible cash for millions of people.

We’re building a community of people-centered problem solvers who are dedicated to using technology to better their communities through our national volunteer Brigade Network. From building a website that helps people find and schedule their COVID-19 vaccine appointments to developing a user-friendly program that automatically generates petition forms to apply for criminal record expunction, our network of technologists, advocates, and organizers is helping people access services and meet local needs.

Help us help families in need by making a donation today.