Esri has leveraged their expertise to assist dozens of Brigade members and fellows with a variety of geospatial projects.
Esri has been one of Code for America’s longstanding supporters, working with us since our inception. Founded in 1969, the geospatial company’s software is the de facto standard for digital spatial asset management and analysis in government agencies of all sizes.
Esri has leveraged this expertise to assist dozens of Brigade members and Code for America fellows with a variety of geospatial projects. Some highlights:
In 2014, with Esri’s support, Code for America developed OpenTrails, the first open geo data standard for US public lands.
Fellows and Brigades regularly utilize spatial datasets published to the web using Esri tools in their own projects. Here are some specific examples:
Before the City of Austin started sharing bulk construction permit data, their beloved brigade, Open Austin, used a city-maintained Esri geocoding service to locate individual permit applications and make them available to the public (Repo here)
Code for Albuquerque used ArcGIS Online to streamline updating OSM school data during the 2016 National Day of Civic Hacking.
Esri has also been a consistent presence at our annual Summit (Register here!), and this year will be sharing more geospatial goodness in their breakout and mainstage talks.
Esri represents a forward-looking approach to government technology, and knows exactly how much work our civic volunteers and government partners put into tackling tough technology issues every day.
We are grateful for their support, and proud to renew this partnership for the fifth year in a row.