Child Welfare Technology in California, Part 3: The RFPs are out!


See the first two posts in this series:

  1. A New Approach to Procuring Government Technology in California
  2. Child Welfare Technology in California, Part Two

The requests for proposal are out!

If you’ve been following along over the last few weeks, you’ll know that we’ve been working with all of the following departments and agencies in California to move from a traditional government technology procurement:

Traditional government technology procurement tries to reduce risks like running over budget, over schedule or with insufficient functionality. It does this by trying to work harder: by working harder to determine requirements up-front, by being more prescriptive in terms of schedule and milestones, by being more strict in terms of certification for vendors to demonstrate competency and capability. The problem is, while the aim of all of those activities is admirable, they rarely (if ever) actually reduce risk.

The new Child Welfare Service is being thought of in terms of a long-term service, not a product that was going to be bought from, most likely, a single system integrator type vendor and then move in to a traditional “maintenance and operations” phase. This means it’s been broken up from a draft single RFP into smaller pieces of more focussed RFPs, each with a clear product vision, with a plan for California to take more of a lead role in directing and controlling how the Child Welfare Service evolves over time.

… and here’s a copy of the official notice from the procurement at the Office for Systems Integration:

Good Morning,
Here is an update on the Office of Systems Integration (OSI) Child Welfare Services (CWS) RFPs for the API and Intake Modules.
Both RFPs were published yesterday evening on
The following links will take you to the RFPs located in BidSync:
RFP OSI 31326 – Child Welfare Services New System API Module –
RFP OSI 31801 – Child Welfare Services – New System Intake Module –
If you have any questions related to the RFPs, please direct them to the Department of Technology Procurement Officials listed in Part 1 of both RFPs.
In addition, the CWS website has been updated with the following materials from the December 18th Vendor Forum Webinar:

  • Vendor Forum Webinar Slides
  • Vendor Forum Webinar Recording
  • December 4th CWS Vendor Forum In-Person Attendee List

If you have questions related to the project, please email

Thank you.