This page is about a former staff member. Meet the Code for America team
  • Former staff member

Alex Tran

  • Former Program Manager, Fellowship, Code for America

Alex Tran manages & develops the curriculum for the Fellowship program as a member of the Government team. He cares deeply about how user-centered design and technology can equip underserved communities with the tools and resources to thrive. Before Code for America, he developed digital literacy trainings for leading Bay Area nonprofits, philanthropies and social enterprises at ZeroDivide. An alumni of the Coro Fellowship in Public Affairs, Alex has executed on diverse public service projects, including revamping the San Francisco Dept. of Public Work’s web presence, creating Digital Divide focused conferences for the California Emerging Technology Fund, and pitching a winning social enterprise mobile app concept to a panel of funders. Alex also has extensive community organizing experience as a Public Allies AmeriCorps volunteer and through leading climate change lobbying efforts in DC with and students from Pomona College, where he studied public policy and environmental science.